Why call me?

Hiring some guy to come work on you computer is expensive.  Its annoying that you have to  pay someone to come and fix something that should not be broken.  Am I the right guy to hire?

A plumber, a minister, and doctor go into a bar…

Over time I’ve figured out that my line of work is like being a combination of a plumber, a minister, and a doctor.  Gee this sounds like the beginning of a bad joke huh? Hang in there, and let me explain.

Like a plumber, when your pipes are leaking or your hot water heater just died, you need the problem fixed, quickly and competently.

Like a minister, I’m taking responsibility for what for what may be one of the most important things in your life.   Maybe your family photos, private financial information, or important emails and documents are stored there.  Your privacy is of of my utmost concern.

And lastly, like a doctor, when I come in to solve a computer problem, I have to listen to you in a friendly and respectful way so that you feel comfortable telling me about some minor symptom you noticed before you called me about the main problem.  I can’t tell you how many times the following little statement leads me to the solution: “Dave, this probably does not mean anything, but three days ago, I noticed that X started happening when I did Y”.

If you want somebody who has got a sense of humor, I’m you’re guy (though my two sons are constantly amazed that other adults actually laugh at my stupid jokes!)

If you want someone who tries to meet you half-way when explaining what the problem is, and how it got fixed, or how to prevent it from happening again, then I’m your guy.

Its just me here. This means that the same guy comes to you every time.  With technology these days, I can (and have) helped my clients while on vacation walking through the streets of Dublin.  I have yet to master getting a signal when I am hiking up in the White Mountains though.

Like everyone, I’ve got my up days and down.  I’ve worked on really messed up computers, and figured out really tough problems in minutes.  Other days, it can take me a while.  I try to bill based on what I think what the work I did should have cost on a good day, even if it took me longer.

Look around this web site, I hope you will see my personality coming through.  (…And by the way, you can see why I will not work on your web site.  Its not as well-designed as a professional graphic artist would do, but I think you should get the gist.)